Rust Pond Dam is one of over 3000 dams in NH, and like 78% of others it is it privately owned. It sits on the southeast side of Rust Pond about 500 feet from the junction of Route 28 and Middleton Road. The DES hazard classification for this dam is "significant".
The Rust Pond Association owns the dam. The Association also owns the land to the west of the dam to the stone wall and to the center of the brook down to Weston Auto Body lot. Land on the east side of the dam is privately owned.
Funding to maintain and repair the dam comes from member dues and contributions. No funding for this effort is provided by the State of New Hampshire or the Town of Wolfeboro.
The dam is a cement structure 84 feet wide with a central maximum-pond-level spillway that is 21 feet wide. In the center of the spillway there is a 5' wide by 3' deep gate. Manual insertion or removal of stop boards controls the effective height of the gate. The stop boards are reinforced tongue and groove boards approximately 52" wide by 8" high by 2" thick.
During the summer (May-September) the water level is maintained between 7" and 15" below the 21' spillway by adjusting the stop boards.